The Influencer

A Reed & Billie Novel Book 14

Barely a year before, Le Fontainebleau opened to little fanfare in downtown Columbus. A lifetime passion project of an immigrant from the French countryside, it was meant to fill a glaring hole in the local dining scene.

Signal Fire

A Hawk Tate Novel Book 10

I don’t generally condone vigilante violence in our line of work…”

 Letting her voice drift, she raised her attention my way, “But he's right, you know.”

 Taking up a post across from her, my hands draped over the side, I nodded. “There won’t be a better time than right now.”


Zoo Crew Series Book 7

The dream always starts the same way. A full tactical team materializing from the woods behind the house. Men dressed in all black, with automatic weapons extended before them.


“Hey, it’s me. Talia. I know it has been a while, and I have no idea where you are, but you always said…6457 Chatwood Drive, Riverside. There’s a little boy there named Trey. It’s too late for me but, please, get there. Keep him safe. I’ll never forgive myself if anything happens to him.”

21 Hours

Dustin Stevens Standalone Novel

Felix “O” O'Connor is an ex-con from central Ohio that spent the seven years since being released from prison working on a ranch in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming. Rarely does he venture out into the world and never does it come looking for him.

Badger Games

“Tell me, Ms. Wernick, are you familiar with the term Badger Games?”

The Confession

A Translator Novel, Book 2

“My son’s conviction was based almost entirely on his confession, which I need you to prove was a lie.”

Until Death

My Mira Series

Two weeks, Kyle Clady has been propelling himself forward. Fourteen days of trying to unravel the people and reasons behind the senseless murder of his wife in Balboa Park.

The Boat Man

Detective Reed Mattox, just three months removed from the death of his partner, has turned invisibility into an art form.

Cold Fire

As a DEA agent, Jeremiah “Hawk” Tate was one of the best at taking down drug traffickers.

The Zoo Crew

A random assortment of individuals that came together in western Montana out of circumstance, stayed together by choice.

Mystery Writers of America and International Thriller Writers, Inc.

Dustin Stevens

My first reiteration of this website didn't have anything resembling this section, something that was pointed out to me by every single person I asked to take a look at it. I'm still not entirely in love with the idea of having it, but the folks I sought out for opinions are all well-read, well-versed individuals and if they all sit in agreement, there must be something to it. That being said, I still won't bore anyone with a laundry list of my life, but will push forward in my own slightly askew style.

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Love all of Mr. Stevens' books. Doesn't matter if “who done it” or small town hero makes good. He is a great story teller & you always finish his books with a smile or a I'll be darn ending.

– Patricia Crook


I have read numerous books by Mr. Stevens and have enjoyed them all. I find his writing to be entertaining and enlightening. He always explains the bases of where his writing comes from, I have found all his books delightful, this open being no exception.

– Montie Leach


Dustin Stevens characters always make his stories interesting. They are normal people trying to make the most of their lives, dealing with the same problems we all face. Struggling with our own doubts about ourselves.

– Bob Church

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