Random Excerpt – Hellfire

Random Excerpt – Hellfire

This week, I take a break from my rankings (many more to come!) to share an excerpt from my upcoming Hellfire, the fourth Hawk Tate novel! ************************************************ ​My father had turned the engine off and taken the keys with him, a conditioned...

Random Excerpt ~ Hellfire

This week, I take a break from my rankings (many more to come!) to share an excerpt from my upcoming Hellfire, the fourth Hawk Tate novel!************************************************​My father had turned the engine off and taken the keys with him, a conditioned...
Random Rankings Part 2 – Halloween Edition

Random Rankings Part 2 – Halloween Edition

Aloha, all! Hopefully this finds everyone feeling especially jovial and well-fed/rested after an excellent holiday long weekend. In the spirit of such things, our rankings this week will be an extension of something I have been doing for years, which is to put in...

Random Rankings Part 2 ~ Halloween Edition

Aloha, all! Hopefully this finds everyone feeling especially jovial and well-fed/rested after an excellent holiday long weekend. In the spirit of such things, our rankings this week will be an extension of something I have been doing for years, which is to put in...
Random Rankings Part 1 – Mexican Food Edition

Random Rankings Part 1 – Mexican Food Edition

Welcome to this first installment compiling the extremely scientific* and unbiased** rankings of the last five months spent scouring the entire west coast for the best it has to offer. To kick things off, we’re starting w/ Mexican foods. [* – not entirely true....

Random Rankings Part 1 ~ Mexican Food Edition

Welcome to this first installment compiling the extremely scientific* and unbiased** rankings of the last five months spent scouring the entire west coast for the best it has to offer. To kick things off, we’re starting w/ Mexican foods.[* – not entirely true....

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