It is a well documented fact that fall is far and away my favorite time of the year. Halloween easily outstrips all others as the preeminent holiday on my annual calendar, fall foliage precipitates at least one autumn trip off the island each year, and the start of college football season is a day I believe should be celebrated w/ all the gusto that can be managed. We're talking a free pass from work, casual friday being replaced w/ wear-your-team-colors, the works. (No…I'm not kidding) In addition we've got the return of comfort food, pumpkin spice everything, sweatshirt weather, carving jack-o-lanterns.
I know some people prefer Christmas, but this is my nirvana. Such a shame I somehow managed to move some place that completely bypasses pretty much all of it.
This year my favorite time of year got an extra bump by the completely unexpected re-emergence of one of my favorite artists, the incomparable British sensation Miss Adele. (Go ahead and try to take my man card for this one…I own it)
If you haven't heard the first offering from her upcoming album yet, please, allow me to enlighten… 🙂
The only way this could possibly be any better? By bringing in two of the better comedic actors we have working today to a parody of it which (1) talks about that greatest of American pastimes and (2) pokes fun of the bumbling NFC East.
(And yes….the fact that so many of my friends are ardent fans of the teams involved makes it all the more satisfying for me. That's what they get for perpetually trying to prod me about my beloved Sooners.)