The Glue Guy
The Zoo Crew returns! In this fourth installment of the series, things are beginning to shift a bit for the Crew. Drake is wrapping up his last days in law school, preparing to take the bar exam. Kade has decided to take up Drake on his offer, is submitting his paperwork to become a PI in the off-season when not fighting fires. The ski lift at the local Snow Plaza has grounded the Crew from hitting the slopes. And Emily, Drake's former college flame, is back in town looking to make the proverbial Godfather offer. A hundred miles east of Missoula, just outside of Butte, the mansion of reclusive billionaire Wes Koenig is burned to the ground. Armed w/ everything they need, the Butte police make a quick arrest of Tyce Riggins, a young man that at one point played ball w/ Drake and Kade. Faced w/ being the only earner in a family expecting their first child, Riggins turns to Drake for help. Over the ensuing week, a much deeper story than anybody anticipated unfolds. With it comes land deals gone bad, deep personal ideologies on display for the world to see, and a growing disdain from the local populace. |